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RFPs are as easy as
1-2-3 with RFP Manager.

RFPs are as easy as
1-2-3 with RFP Manager.


Say Goodbye to Spreadsheet Chaos

Craft, customize, and launch your RFPs in mere minutes. No more juggling between tabs, emails, and phone calls — everything you need is right here.

One-Stop Bid Analysis & Selection

Quickly analyze carrier bids, evaluate service metrics, and make award decisions—all from a single, intuitive dashboard.

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Seamless Transition to Execution

Turn your RFP decisions into actionable steps instantly. With the Transfix Shipper App, your routing guide is auto-populated, and all your RFP data is centralized for easy access.


The tool is very easy to use. This will save me a lot of time when generating RFPs."

Transportation Manager

Plastic Ingenuity

It’s awesome that we can give carriers estimated volumes that vary lane by lane within a given RFP. We aren’t able to do that today.”

Transportation Manager
Plastic Ingenuity


I like that you have carrier metrics here; tender acceptance, bounce rate, and OTP/OTD. These are things that we don’t have in the Emerge RFP tool.”

Transportation Manager
Current Emerge Customer

Procurement Help Desk:
How to Build a More Intelligent
Spot and Contract Strategy
Procurement Help Desk:
Pre-RFP Network Analysis - How it Helps Optimize Spend
Procurement Help Desk:
How Frequently Should I Run RFPs?

See Our Procurement Guide
to Learn RFP Best Practices & Workflows

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Streamline your Procurement with RFP Manager